Monday, July 11, 2011


Bonjour, blogosphere!

At the moment, I am currently studying in Oxford for a few weeks, so the blogging may be a little slower (not that it's ever been particularly fast!) and the posts a little bit more spacey on my part (I am taking two pretty intense English classes here and I hope that I can devote some brain power to other things, like tourism while I'm here!)

But the good news is that my dear beta, Siobhan, now has my entire story in her grubby paws, both in digital and hard copy, so whenever she gives it back to me I can begin posting! I am hoping that I will be able to post on a weekly basis, but Siobhan is the decision-maker on that front, really. So go harass her if you don't hear from me! ;)

See y'all soon, and I hope you do enjoy what I've been working on for the last two and a half years!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Second Drafts!

Bonjour, blogosphere!

Yesterday, due to what I am now calling the "Great Tire Debacle of 2011", I found myself presented with two screws in my tire, an incompetent AAA dispatch, and about 5 hours of free time waiting around for my tire to be fixed. Although I had not intended to spend the day waiting around for the tire, I had intended to do a lot of waiting around for other reasons, and so I found myself with my laptop, my first draft of The Shift and a whole lot of waiting at the Costco.

Now, Costco doesn't have wifi, so I set to finishing implementing the edits into the digital copy. It took well over three hours, but I eventually did finish! Hooray!

What does this mean for you, dear friends and readers? It means you are one step closer to seeing my story posted and published! Siobhan and I are going to attack the manuscript with a vigor none have ever seen before, and I think, god willing, that I'll be able to begin the posting soon.

The Battle, its sequel, is well into the planning stages and, while I can't make any promises, I fully intend to begin writing it as soon as I begin posting The Shift!

More soon. :)