At the moment, I am currently studying in Oxford for a few weeks, so the blogging may be a little slower (not that it's ever been particularly fast!) and the posts a little bit more spacey on my part (I am taking two pretty intense English classes here and I hope that I can devote some brain power to other things, like tourism while I'm here!)
But the good news is that my dear beta, Siobhan, now has my entire story in her grubby paws, both in digital and hard copy, so whenever she gives it back to me I can begin posting! I am hoping that I will be able to post on a weekly basis, but Siobhan is the decision-maker on that front, really. So go harass her if you don't hear from me! ;)
See y'all soon, and I hope you do enjoy what I've been working on for the last two and a half years!