I bought myself a new journal at Target the other day and decided to buy it. (It was cheap, it was on recycled paper... you know. Just doing good!)
Having given myself a deadline (and then totally failed at keeping it) I know I just needed to give myself a good kick and it would all come pouring out of me. There are, of course, no guarantees that it will be any good, but I needed to at least try and push the story along.
Because Legolas' character in The Shift grows from an infant to an adult throughout the story, I sometimes find that he gets stuck at a certain age and I have to force him to grow a little. It's hard to make him grow too fast and develop in the way I need him to (for purposes that will be explained in The Battle, the story from his POV).
So while I've been writing, I've been trying to get as much of this done soon. My goal is to begin posting by the time I go to England this summer in July. I have another few chapters to go, so I think that's reasonable! (This also hinges on Siobhan being a good and timely editor!)
Another thing I wrote this week (in addition to the two chapters, chapter 8 and 9) was a one-shot I'm (perhaps temporarily) calling "Love, Delusions, and Other Matters". I am overly fond of this title, but it is not quite as succinct as it could be. It is from Legolas' point of view and accompanies chapter 8.
So I'm going to go type up these chapters and perhaps do some preliminary editing. I have something like 6000 or 7000 words (I think) to type up. We shall see. I will update later?
Some other matters! You see up in the corner there is a lovely "Subscribe" box in which you can enter your email address and receive these updates, few and far between though they are!
Also shiny and new is my official The Hobbit Ivy twitter account! This is so that you can see what I am working on as I am working on it! I will endeavor to tweet this as it happens. Linked on the side will be my personal twitter, which deals with matters mostly non-fanfictiony.
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